
Be gentle and not cruel. Embrace humility more than arrogance. Thank others more than you accept thanks. Feel compassion more than apathy. See what others ignore. Hold others close more than you push them aside. Learn more than you teach. Be present more than absent. Give more than you take. -Joanne Cacciatore

Friday, January 25, 2013


You know when you just clique with someone?  When a friendship forms the instant a smile is shared?  When two people living separate lives, going about their own business, embracing their journey and then all of the sudden your paths cross... starts with messages, text, then phone calls, and meetings then it forms until what I consider a FRIENDSHIP.  Laughter, compromises, understanding???  --- then overtime life gets the best of us - burdens come in the way - our paths start to veer the opposite way but you try to not let it go - you see the value in it, you wont let go, you don't give up...you don't WANT to give up??? All of those emotions triggered for me yesterday and hit home last night.  

If you know me, you know I am what "some" like to call BLACK or WHITE --- ALL or NOTHING kind of girl.  I don't do HUGE NUMBERS of friendships, I find NO VALUE in that.  Either you are my friend, we are acquaintances, or I don't know you!  I have always felt like a friends placement in my life is special and NO MATTER what doesn't end if we hit that place.

Yesterday as four pregnancies of emotions played as a film strip throughout my body I received some of the most endearing text messages, emails, face book comments I could ever ask for.  I shared my story so people understand what it feels like because I have LOTS of people ask questions so why not share.  I smiled all day realizing how blessed I was with friends who some I haven't talked to in a while but they cared, they acknowledged, and they comforted.   Then as I entered into the evening, I was heading out to a benefit concert and I was able to see what I explained above... a FRIEND who though things have gotten in our way - who are paths have been off and it was cool.  We laughed and talked about horrible things she is experiencing, about things I am going through, we related we felt for each other.  It was just neat.  The night that I was bracing myself for actually turned out to be one of those ahhhhhh moments.

As I laid down for bed I just reflected on the whole day.  The great friends I have, the laughter shared, the memories made, the enchanted moments.   I am one lucky girl who is blessed daily with great people in my life.  I know this past year I have learned so much and I wish nothing but to be half the friend to those who I have in my life.

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